To the Force

Everything on this blog is hopelessly obsolete. I don´t know why I wrote it. I´ve been confused for a year, I erased two years of life and returned to a sort of ancient digital space that some people still inhabit. I should never have tripped ahead of my time. At least I helped The Resilience Network evolve.

I always knew that in order for the world to see reality anew, they had to be relieved of fear. Like Leary, a time-warp. To create memetic resilience, I had to pull the present forward, and that I did. The software will come online eventually, these ideas have spread far and wide, horizontal meme-proliferation. Rave on.

The nature of memes

"reality is made of language,
if you know the words the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish
The brain is essentially a reality generator, a general purpose world engine. Those 300 million pattern recognition modules (1), general purpose in-game cameras essentially, tune into objects of relevance, and connect the world to a vast network of knowledge, hierarchical tree structures, a world, cameras, and knowledge.

These cameras can be tuned, their information re-defined, semantically informed. Explore, discover, and share ideas about the world, memes, in-game objects. Tune your attention to whatever turns you on, turn on, literarily, cognitive modules, qBit microtubules, a cultural dimension - memes (2) - an atlas of clouds, dreams painted onto the world.

(1) Kurzweil, Ray (2012), How to Create a Mind, New York: Viking Books
      Markram, Henry (2009), A brain in a supercomputer, TEDGlobal2009
(2) Leigh, Hoyle (2010), Genes, Memes, Culture, and Mental Illness, Springer
     Dawkins, Richard (1976), The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press

The internet of YOU

The brain renders models of people so well, that they pass the turing test. During REM-sleep, the mind can emulate people so well, with such artificial intelligence, that you don´t even realize you're dreaming.

These perspectives on reality, the ability to see the world through different angles (1) and the eyes of the other, that´s what it means to be human. Sentient. The brain tunes it´s attention like tiny cameras, mirrors that reflect back at the observer. To change your consciousness, you´ve got to go out of our mind and discover other perspectives.

To hack reality, you´ve got to hack attention. Tune into other broadcasts. Turn on those cognitive modules. Flow through waking life and drop out of the occasional nightmare. Turn off those broadcasts, tune into others.

Jason Silva, a friend of a friend of a friend, said it best perhaps in his broadcast Lucid Dreaming.

(1) Leary, Timothy (1978), An Interview from Folsom Prison, YouTube
     Silva, Jason (2014), Following the Leader, National Geographic

Tune in, Turn on, Drop out

Leaving a state of immersion, I experience a vestibular sensation of falling, gravity, dropping out of something, falling out of dreamscapes, returning to base line reality. Home.

Adventures, immersion, episodic experiences, are fight-and-flight mediated explorations of our cultural dimension, a world of story. As cultural beings that inhabit landscapes of imagination. Immersion is self-reinforcing, recursive feedback, and the stimuli to drop-out needs to exceed to instinct to excite and arouse, fight and flight, adrenalin.

Like Hoyle Leigh wrote in his seminal work Genes, Memes, Culture and Mental Illness (1), any form of stress response, any exciting experience, good or bad, inspiring or pathological, triggers a rabbit hole effect, a journey beyond the present,

"...the fight-and-flight response diminishes the number of hippocampal neurons and causes attenuation of the hippocampal dendritic connections resulting in a disconnection between long-term memory (resident memetic store that may attenuate the stress response) and current stress meme infusion, a favorable circumstance for invasion of new memes..."

That feeling, that drop, oxytocin and endorphin-bathed gravity - home.

(1) Leigh, Hoyle (2010), Genes, Memes, Culture, and Mental Illness, Springer

Through the eyes of the Other

The theory of mind module constructs artificial models of other people. Basically, artificial intelligences that embody their personalities. And these models, these relationships, are the core domain of the selfplexa. They, above anything else, shape a brains memetic identity and tangent of evolution.

In other words, whoever you are in the eyes of your friends, is who you become. The brain internalizes their perspective on you, and these projections, to borrow from Inception, these artificial intelligences, structure your entire reality. They fill the world that place-cells in your hippocampus help render, and shape who you imagine yourself to be.

An example from a familiar situation is how people in dreams sometimes feel so real, that you can´t tell that you´re dreaming. The brain renders models of your relationships so well, that it fools even you.

The Birth of a Meme

It took 10 years for Ripple to go from idea to finished product. Ryan Fugger had his epiphany 2004, he carried and nurtured his idea like an embryo, and it found life through his inspired work. Now, 2014, is ready to carry all the worlds financial transactions.

I came up with the idea of adding basic income, p2p-dividends, to the Ripple-infrastructure, about a year ago, spring 2013. I had prior to that co-founded, read a lot about Ripple, and had this epiphany that it could be leveraged to change the world in more ways then the people behind it had realised.

I had my epiphany 2013, and from then and there it´s just evolution. I know that the software infrastructure I designed will see the light in less then those 10 years it took Ripple to go from idea to reality. Ripple´s source-code is online (, and it´s not that hard to add swarm-redistribution to it.

I haven´t yet produced any code, even though it´s been almost a year since ripple open-sourced. I had a really painful brake-up last summer, and couldn´t work on it afterwards. Now I feel inspired again. I could create this. And the idea is out there, so you could create this. Or you could find someone who could.

About me, a story of Evolution

I´m a natural born creative. A wonder junkie. I started studying medicine @ a traditional university in 2009. I dropped out 2010 because I felt that the internet obsoleted old academic traditions. TED started to broadcast ideas and knowledge from the worlds most brilliant and inspiring people. Wikipedia could teach me anything in seconds. Learning became so much easier. I had that constant sensation that the space in which ideas have sex had graduated from that traditional campus, and was now in our hands, our smartphones.

I´m infinitely fascinated by emerging technologies and the future of our species. I don´t like captivity. I don´t like to be forced to conform. I - information - want to be free.