The Birth of a Meme

It took 10 years for Ripple to go from idea to finished product. Ryan Fugger had his epiphany 2004, he carried and nurtured his idea like an embryo, and it found life through his inspired work. Now, 2014, is ready to carry all the worlds financial transactions.

I came up with the idea of adding basic income, p2p-dividends, to the Ripple-infrastructure, about a year ago, spring 2013. I had prior to that co-founded, read a lot about Ripple, and had this epiphany that it could be leveraged to change the world in more ways then the people behind it had realised.

I had my epiphany 2013, and from then and there it´s just evolution. I know that the software infrastructure I designed will see the light in less then those 10 years it took Ripple to go from idea to reality. Ripple´s source-code is online (, and it´s not that hard to add swarm-redistribution to it.

I haven´t yet produced any code, even though it´s been almost a year since ripple open-sourced. I had a really painful brake-up last summer, and couldn´t work on it afterwards. Now I feel inspired again. I could create this. And the idea is out there, so you could create this. Or you could find someone who could.